drills, surveys and voting!
Published on May 20, 2019 12:12

Monday, May 20, 2019

Good morning all!

As you know, the warmer and (mostly) drier weather means that schools everywhere are practicing fire drills, which are one of five types of school emergency drills that we practice here in New York State.  Today, Bernabi faculty, staff and students completed an evacuation drill in which we practiced moving our entire population to a designated safe location, which is right next door at Canal View Elementary.  I am proud to say that this drill, which moved over 500 people in a matter of minutes, was completed safely and efficiently!

A few quick reminders to start your week:

Our district is will be among 100 school districts across the state to participate in a school climate survey developed by the U.S. Department of Education. The survey consists of questions to assess feelings, experiences, and insight around our local school safety, emotional well-being, and school climate.  To learn more about and participate in the parent survey, please click here.  Our fifth grade students will also be participating in a developmentally appropriate form of the survey this Thursday.

Last, but certainly not least: tomorrow is budget vote day.  Thank you in advance for finding time to make it out to District Office tomorrow between 6 am and 9 pm to cast your vote!


David Caiazza