Create a Scavenger Hunt
Outside Compass Activity
- Student are given a map of Spencerport with letters on top
- Students need to go to each letter, starting with top one
- At each letter, they must choose an object that they want another group to find
- Using the compass, decide on the exact direction of that object….write it down next to the letter
- Next, identify the person in your group that has the average size feet of the group
- Count how many steps it is to your object (obviously you don’t want to make it extremely far away)
- Write down how many feet next to the direction, which is next to the letter.
E – 158 degrees, 30 feet
F - 10 degrees, 150feet
- On the back of your paper, write the answers to each letter.
- Once done, report back to the front of the school.
- If you are NOT done by 4:30, report back to the front of the school.
Finding Water:
- Understand different indicators of water
- 1st, look for surface water (streams, rivers, lakes)
- Fast running water is usually the cleanest
- High altitude water is less polluted
- No surface water – dig into damp soil and allow this muddy water to settle & become clear.
- To find water, look for:
- Valleys & low areas – run off
- Rock crevices
- Muddy or damp ground
- Patches of green vegetation
- Where animal tracks converge
- Birds, they often circle a watering hole
- Insects, stay close to water
Collecting Water:
- Rain & dew
- Simply collect the rain with a tarp
- Collect dew by running a cloth on the wet grass, then wring it out into your mouth
- Condensation
Water Purification:
- Rain, dew, and condensation water typically won’t need purification
- Boil suspected water for quite some time
- Two Rules:
- When in doubt, purify it.
- A lively bubbling stream cleans itself in 30 feet of flowing over rocks & sands
- You can buy water purification pills to put into the water
Important things to do when you are lost.
Read through the list of things and cross out all the items that are NOT important to do when you are lost, in the first few days of surviving.
Get upset and think of the mess you’re in.
Look for shelter.
Conserve moisture.
Make a fun game for yourself.
Protect yourself.
Take an inventory and count everything.
Think about long term problems your will have.
Think of how you can get help.
Don’t listen to fear inside you.
Don’t do anything. Conserve your energy and wait to be rescued.
Think of your family and loved ones.
Run as fast as you can to find help.
Eat large amounts of food to store energy.
SNOW SURVIVAL: stranded in your car…
511 = national three digit phone number reserved for updated travel info.
STAY IN YOUR CAR – run your engine for short periods of time to stay warm, hang a bright colored piece of cloth from your vehicle, stay warm by vigorously moving body.
- Making a Winter Survival Kit for Your Family’s Car:
- Old used book bag/backpack
- big fat candle
- matches
- bright colored flag
- food, quick energy
- Extra clothes – gloves, hat, socks
- Flashlight & extra batteries
- Maps
- Wool blanket
- Road salt & sand for traction
- Shovel
Scavenger Hunt
Survival Game
File December Outdoor Adventure Club News.doc
File HypothermiaOutdoorActivity.doc
File What is Hypothermia.doc
What is Frostbite?
File SwampBed.doc