Bernabi's Planning Team which is made up of teachers, staff and parents have set three goals for the building to work towards this year.
2024-25 Strategic Focus:
- Bernabi Elementary School will build a meaningful, sustaining sense of belonging for staff, students and families through the lens of diverse representation and voices.
- Bernabi Elementary School will employ social emotional programs, practices and supports to foster a safe and secure student experience.
- Bernabi Elementary School will provide students with access to targeted, enriching and varied learning opportunities rooted in academic rigor.
Specific details and actions on achieving this plan may be found at this link. If you ever have any questions about these goals or anything at Bernabi please contact me at 585-349-5400.
- Kate Kellogg - year 2 of 3
- Elizabeth Gurz - year 2 of 3
- Gina Caparco - year 3 of 3
- Maribeth Kyser - year 3 of 3
- Tammy Lopatka - year 1 of 3
- Laurie Palmateer - PAC rep,
year 1 of 3
- Leigh King - support
staff, year 1 of 3
- Jamie Wilson - parent, year 2
- David Caiazza - principal
BPT Meeting Minutes 8-9-24
BPT Meeting Minutes 9-12-24
BPT Meeting Minutes 9-30-24
BPT Meeting Minutes 12-12-24.pdf